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Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. M

    TOUCH WM6.1 ROM V57 & V58 - Build 20755.1.4.0 (Manila2D)

    PhamQuang tell me how to increas ringtone volume loud in elfin today i install pdamobiz rom and it have low speaker volume in ringtone and media player also
  2. M

    TOUCH WM6.1 ROM V56 - Build 20755.1.4.0 (Manila2D)

    biotouch necessary when u use cube without cube biotouch memory eater u not lost any function
  3. M

    TOUCH WM6.1 ROM V56 - Build 20755.1.4.0 (Manila2D)

    to kill biotouch check registry hklm>software>oem>touchflo>enable cube value is "0" download and unzip attatchmant copy files from empty folder and paste in device windows by total commander or gs finder reboot
  4. M

    TOUCH WM6.1 ROM V56 - Build 20755.1.4.0 (Manila2D)

    to fix activesync issue do that * Open Activesync on your device and tap on Menu>Add Server Source. * Add any info to create a fake server sync. * After that go to Menu>Schedule and change the two drop downs to "Manual" and tap "Ok" at the top right. delete the repllog (sync after time...
  5. M

    TOUCH ROM V54 - Build 20753.1.4.0 & MANILA???

    nice looking where is link???:((