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  • Hi,x800eten
    OS Image not compatible (end screen)
    restart at the end of it, and stand on the orange screen
    Yellow light on the right side works
    Light does not work when the left side
    And the screen does not work or parked Frozen
    SD MMC of no In use end
    The program does not work with because the mobile device can not Works
    (Microsoft ActiveSync)
    I did everything I could from the experience did not work
    Was modified to Rom and character mentioned in the forum did not work
    (0A 3D 72 F4 .$38)
    usb downloader 0023

    flash capacity=256MB

    usB downloader Rrady
    sd card In

    Find SDMMc card

    File=TEMP BIN

    program Image from SDMMC

    update OS image

    please Waiting
    Stopped and no end
    Please help me the solution
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